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About Funatika

Funatika is a social media platform where you can share your favourite music, movies and images.
It is my hobby and i developed the complete website on my own, durring my spare time.
This website is completely free to use and also free from ads!

On Funatika ever user has his own wall. One can see the wall of other users, comment and rate postings.
On a wall, a user can add youtube, soundcloud links, message and image postings.
All user postings are collected on the community board. This also includes the movie postings.
The movies are collected in various genres, which each user can also easily create on his own.

Funatika has a nice music collection, contributed by its members.

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Oliver Guggenberger
9620 Hermagor
Möderndorf 73
Email: office@funatika.org